KCAT Arts Centre

The Other Space is a new digital space created by KCAT Arts Centre.

Connection has always been at the heart of KCAT’s practice; connection with audiences, connection between teacher and student, facilitator and artist, connection of art and viewer in very real, physical ways. The Other Space is a chance to connect virtually, a chance to keep going, a chance to give you access to KCAT’s world as artist, viewer, curator, spectator, buyer, a chance for KCAT to make the work accessible in new ways and connect virtually.

KCAT Arts Centre is an inclusive artist-led organisation based in Callan Co. Kilkenny. Started in 1999 with 12 artists, KCAT now serves over 100 artists and students with and without support needs on a weekly basis. KCAT is dedicated to the fostering and nurturing of creative ambition in the arts across dance, visual arts and theatre.

Please consider making a donation to support KCAT’s mission.